Needing advice or to see if anyone else has experienced it..

So last night and tonight about 3 hours after I eat I start feeling sick and last night I vommited 15 times or more... on Wednesday while I was shopping I got big pressuring feelings that made me feel like my water was just going to break..... I haven't vommited tonight at all but really feel the need to and probably will start soon.... I'm 34weeks exactly and just want to know if anyone else has had this.... I felt a bit off today but I was fine it's only when I start relaxing and I'm laying down that it happens 😕
My little one seems fine she's moving around and everything but gets shy when I start feeling really sick and when I was vommiting last night.... and I didn't have to try I didn't have to push or heave it just came straight out.... I don't feel like I'm ill in the way of having a bug or something.... 
Please nonnegative stuff thank you in advance ❤