Emergency Caesarian placental abruption

I loved reading these in the lead up to giving birth to my baby so I thought I'd have a go and write my experience.
So to begin with I had an amazing pregnancy no morning sickness, smooth and easy .. Well until 38 weeks when my belly was so big it was uncomfortable to sleep.
A few days before my water broke I had a bloody show followed by on and off period like pain and spotting, the pains weren't  getting any stronger so I thought I'd wait it out as I was only 39 weeks and 2 days..
9.30 pm on the 8th of April I was sitting on the lounge watching the footy when I felt the gush... and I mean GUSH!!! ... it would not stop! I managed to soak two towels before making my way into the labour ward. I was admitted straight away due to testing positive to strep B, I was hooked up to antibiotics and also Syntocinon to get my contractions started.
4 hours into syntocinon I assumed I was in labour as I was in AGONY the pain was more than brutal! I could hardly breathe.. Turns out I wasn't in labour at all and was only 1-2 cms and bleeding. Somehow babies heart rate stayed  normal but due to the constant bleeding I was rushing into an emergency cesarian it all happened so quick I hardly had any idea what was going on. 
Spinal block done, everything went numb, my placenta had ruptured and I had a 200ml blood clot BUT at 3.24 am on the 9th of April I saw the first glimpse of my miracle baby Aleyah Rose weighing 3.4 KLS and screaming her lungs out. I will never forget that moment EVER! Instant love at first sight.