boyfriend didn't dump me- just blocked me!

My boyfriend quit touring as a guitar tech to be home and get a job and have a lasting relationship with me. Talking marriage even. Well he got a job at fender guitar that he absolutely hates. The hours are terrible and it's taken it's toll on him to where he is feeling a crisis in his life. I helped him by updating his resume and finding jobs suited to his talents to which he went on the interviews but still isn't happy. So yesterday after one of the interviews he said he was driving to another city which isn't far in distance but very far in traffic since it's Los Angeles. Well, he didn't tell me he was considering this job since he lives 3-4 hours away from it if he chooses it he would move.  If he moves we literally wouldn't see each other anymore because with traffic it's 3 hours away and he has other weekend obligations to his 2 full time bands and a third part time band. I called him when he told me, I got extremely upset because he wouldn't answer my calls or texts and then he blocked me, I haven't heard from him since yesterday. No mention if he's taking the job which would mean moving back to l.a. He wants to live back in the city. Our two year anniversary is next weekend, he says nothing. I've been supportive of his struggle. But he's so selfish. How can he talk about quitting everything to have a life with me and my kids to up and leaving without a word. 
Edit: no I did not ask him to give up touring. That was his idea and his decision I support his decisions even if they don't include me. But I'm hurt he didn't even talk to me like an adult and just blocked me with no word. If he broke it off like a mature person I wouldn't be as pissed off or hurt.