how to leave an abusive relationship

I stupidly put my trust in my SO and quit my job to become a SAHM. Unfortunately, I miscarried our baby shortly after quitting my job. We discussed it and agreed I didn't need to find a new job because we were gonna continue trying and he makes enough to sustain that dream for us. However, over the past 5 months since he has become extremely mentally abusive. He insults my intelligence, my looks, literally anything he can. He belittles me and disrespects me right in front of his family. He is not physical but honestly I cannot take the way he is treating me anymore. I've been secretly searching for work but no on has called me and I need to get out before I go crazy. I have no friends I can stay with and my family doesn't support my decision to leave him... I literally have NOTHING and I'm scared of what will become of my mind if I stay with him. Any advice is appreciated.