Trust your gut!

Sorry that this is long, but I just don't want anyone else to go down the path that I have.. For 9 months of our 10 month olds life I have just known that she has had a dairy allergy and suspected an egg allergy too. She has had tummy aches and rashes since 1mo and severe eczema and hives since 3mo. Funnily enough I was laughed out of 3 different drs offices, doubted by family (to the point that my FIL ignored us and gave her dairy), thrown statistics about how few infants are affected by dairy through breastmilk, told I was being reckless cutting it out of my diet despite supplementing calcium and that I was just a worried first time mother. After 9mths of seeing our baby in pain, little sleep, repeated drs visits insisting on referrals to an immunologist and being given scripts for every steroid under the sun, one doctor finally agreed to refer us to a dermatologist after a reaction landed us in hospital. Again, the skin specialist threw the statistics at us and gave us steroids telling us to use them every day. I insisted on a blood test and he agreed 'if it would make me feel better'. Well, I had a sympathetic phone call from him yesterday to say he was so surprised because it has come back positive for dairy, eggs, wheat and nuts and he is now fast tracking us to an immunologist.

Now I feel guilty for doubting what I knew and not pushing the point earlier, but it pays to trust your gut because Mom honestly knows best!