(WWYD) What Would You Do ???

If you were dating someone and you and your children grew to love them and trust them. He has been around your family and has planned to want and have a baby with you.. The both of you plan and try for an entire year and the moment you get pregnant he goes to the 1st docs apptmnt and sees the baby and heartbeat for the first time with you and everything. He's claiming to be so happy and love you even more and that he is going to start to do better and prepare for the baby...... less than 2 weeks after seeing the baby and saying how much he loves you and the baby.. he decides to betray you and walk away completely from you while you finally carry his baby.. Only to start talking to a complete new woman with 2 kids and starts to treat her with love and respect after just having walked away from you leaving you hurt and suffering with the baby the both of you planned to have together.... He ignores your calls and text messages and wont even speak about keeping communication not even for the sake of the baby... & The other woman is aware of you being pregnant, lied and told you she would never date a man like him and that she is not talking to him, congratulates you on the baby and hopes you solve your problems then blocks you only to really be continuing to still remain talking to the man you grew to love and betrayed you... He has even physically hurt you in front of her and your friend while you are pregnant and says he does not care about you and the baby is your problem... You have been trying hard to move on and forget about him but you are pregnant by someone who was your only friend and who was there for you and your children and who you and your children grew to love and trust! and everyday no matter how hard you try to forget, it still is right there eating you up inside.. Torturing and hurting you everyday at the thought of him betraying you and now with her and her children living happily while you suffer through the heartache and betrayal. So now what do you do: ......

A: He is here illegally and you have evidence of a serious crime that can be held against him & if you report it, it can get him sent back to his country. Betray and make him suffer for what he has done.

B: Continue to suffer through the pain that is eating you up inside all day everyday building up anger... praying and hoping it will soon fade away and they will one day get what they deserve.

C: Send the men in your family to hurt him for putting his hands on you while you are pregnant and for betraying you and leaving you pregnant after trying for a year to have the baby with you.

D: Turn yourself into somewhere because the pain is progressing daily and you need help. You want to move on and forget about this heartbreak and betrayal but just cannot take the pain inside. Every second of every minute of every hour no matter how hard you try you still feel and think of the hurt & betrayal he has caused you. It is taking over your mind and you really need help to get through this fast.

PS. I love my children and this baby i carry to death and i truly only want to forget about the entire situation but it is truly hard for me to forget after have planning this baby with him and looking foward to a good future together, still having to be reminded of the situation for 6-7 more months carrying our baby, all the memories, time, love, trust and effort put into the relationship, knowing they are living happy and i am left alone pregnant, hurt and suffering. I have never felt a pain or been betrayed like this! This pain inside is truly progressing everyday.................. i feel like doing all options above but i want to hear how you ladies would feel and do if this had been you.. Appreciative of any type of feedback!