period late by two days. spotting two weeks ago.

My cycle is usually 28-29 days. It doesn't push past that. Last month it came early by two days (25th its was expected the 27th). I assumed it was my cycle just changing or something it was pretty light. But two weeks ago now I had spotting, for about five days. It was like a light light light period. And only when i wiped or after sex was there even anything there.
After the spotting everything was normal again, then that Friday I spotted very lightly after some hefty cramping. But only once. 
I've had cramping, when I checked my cervix it was low as it usually is around my dot time.. but still nothing. Should I expect it soon? My partner and I haven't been trying persay, it's more of a if it happens it's okay and we would be excited. I have one daughter now and I just don't remember really the way things were before I took a test lol.