daddy stress!!!

My husband works 3 nights a week so that's 3 nights and 3 days (because he's sleeping) that I'm with baby. This evening when he got up I told him I wanted to have a bath-he moaned that he was tired and would prefer if I showered as it was quicker :( so when I get out the shower I can hear our baby screaming! I go down and husband moans that baby hasn't stopped crying so I take baby and soothe him. I then tell husband that I was going to wash the dishes as baby was happy playing-again he moans because baby might cry! Whilst I'm washing up I hear he takes baby to bed. He comes down and puts monitor on and baby is screaming his head off, husband swears and goes up and shouts at baby to calm down and tells him he's being ridiculous. I go up and tell him being stressed is not going to settle him to which husband swears at me and blames the dummy. 10 minutes later mummy has settled baby to sleep. Our baby is only 10 weeks early and has recently started crying a lot at bedtime-I'm assuming to let us know he's not happy about going to bed but my god my husband can be such a twat! Grrrrr