spinning babies

I did some of the exercises from the website. I read everything before starting and even watched videos. I called my dr to see if it was ok to start doing these because I'm 37 weeks, baby is breech and he has me already scheduled for my first c-section and I've been in panic mode (crying all day and freaking out) ever since Monday when he told me. Well I did the breech tilt and I felt fine afterwards for about 20 minutes. Then all of a sudden it felt like my back and my uterus was being smashed in a vise and I couldn't move and it was so painful I started to shake. It lasted for about a minute or 2 but felt way longer. Then it stopped and I've been sore ever since. I'm dying for him to flip because I'd so take natural birth and the pain any day over a c-section. I'm scared to death. My dr doesn't even give me the option to do a version and won't tell me where to go to try. I think he's against it idk. What can I do? I don't dare try any more exercises.