I don't feel like husband is attracted....

I'm feeling super depressed. For some reason, my sex drive has been super high during my third trimester. I have tried to come into my husband several times the past few weeks and he doesn't seem to even care. He makes it clear that he doesn't wanna have sex but he never really says why. He has totally loved my pregnant body and tried to initiate sex almost daily up until right around when my third trimester started. Now we've gone a few weeks without it even though I've been trying and trying and trying to initiate. 
He's told me several times that he has to have a "release" at least every couple days, so im sure he's getting that release through other means (porn and jacking off which is what he normally does when I'm not feeling it or out of town or whatever), which makes me feel even worse. 
I just want him to want me 😭.... it's bad enough feeling unsexy, but knowing that he also doesn't think I'm sexy just kills me. Especially when my sex drive is through the roof and my hormones are going crazy. 
And this is not to start a debate or solicit anyone opinions about prom or whatever, but to be honest, it really sucks. Makes me feel like I just got punched in the stomach knowing that he's getting satisfied by looking at other women. Yes, I know, every guy does it and I'd be an idiot if I thought he didn't and it's normal and not something to be jealous of and blah blah blah, but those things aren't erasing these feelings or making me feel any better about myself right now.