Trying to stay positive ☹️

This may not be the right place to put this, but I need to vent to someone I'm in tears! So right now I'm out of a job and have been going through a two month process to get this one job. I took all the tests did several interviews, and at the last interview the manager said she would be calling me with my schedule in the next couple days.. so I wait... she never called so this morning I call her and she tells me they found someone else who was more experienced and thanks for applying. APPLYING? no lady, it was so much more then that. Several interviews, phone interviews, tests to take online for her to tell me she will get my schedule ready, to "we found someone else with more experience" I turned down two job offers waiting for this job! And now I don't have it! It sucks so much all I do is look for jobs, I feel so disappointed 😔