Christian help✝😥

How do I except Jesus's salvation? And I know the greatest commandment is to love him with all your heart, soul, and mind. How do I fall in love with him. I'm also having trouble with sinful thoughts😁how do I get rid of these thoughts? How do I become born again? I will add I haven't read the bible yet, I'm very new to this. Does anyone have any suggestions of bibles I can buy on Amazon. I heard that a lot of bibles are altered so I want to get a KJV but I'm not the best reader and I don't understand it. (I've read a very little of the bible on an app but I didn't understand it, and I prefer to read from paper than a screen) I'm also having trouble praying. I know this is bad but I honestly feel a little awkward.. Idk I just feel so filthy, I'm ashamed of myself and embarrassed of my filthiness, like I don't want anyone to see/know  it.😷 Also how do we give all of ourselves to him? Sorry for all the questions😁😂 I need help😥