Baby daddy drama

So my ex fiance rarely is in our daughters life because his new gf who just happens to be his best friend who he constantly told me not to worry about is more important. Well he knows I still love him and it kills me that he left me for her and makes me feel like what we had was a lie...yet everytime he's over he brags about how perfect Emily is and how they are going on vacation and how she's always buying him things and stuff. He knows it hurts me yet even when I tell him not to talk about her in my house he still does. Our daughters first birthday is coming up and at first I thought I'd be nice and say he could bring her but after all the things he's doing I can't mentally handle her being there so I told him today that I didn't want her there because of how upset it was making me and he said she was going with him because she got the day off so I told him that if he was bringing her then I didn't feel comfortable with either of them there and he said he was going and I couldn't stop him. First off I'm paying for everything not him and he wasn't even going to throw a party it was what I wanted to do. I told him if they showed up I'd call the cops because they weren't welcome there then blocked him on fb. I tried to be mature but he just kept pushing me and my depression. It's just a whole mess. Yes I know that I am being immature and you guys may think it's jealousy but it's me being hurt. It's like our years together meant nothing.