A "stupid" happy (tmi CM)

Im so happy. It's the little things. So my period is very irregular. It has been since those teenage years. Ive never, ever experienced cm, other than creamy/dry cm.  When I got pregnant in 2015, it was so confusing becuz I had gotten off bc so my period was crazier than normal, no ovulation, yet somehow, I got pregnant. Anywho, Ive been doing my research and it says that if u take prenatal vitamins before ttc, it'll help with fertilization. So I decided to start taking prenatals. Its been a week. According to Glow, im most fertile today. But im like, whatever💁🏻, I know Im not ovulating. So I go to the bathroom, pee, and when I wiped, my eyes where like 😮. I had egg white/ stretchy cm. I immediately teared up. Ive never seen anything like it. Ive seen a lot of posts on here with different types of cm, especially egg white consistency. Ive always wished that would happen to me. Im so happy, girls!! Ive been wanting a baby ever since my miscarriage. Ima get busy tonight lol😆😌🙃