I finally am posting it baby born on 4/7/17

So I was induced on a Wednesday night, they inserted a balloon, and let me tell you when they said you will feel "uncomfortable" it's a lie, it hurt so damn much, I was only dilated at 1cm. I was also given a pill (sorry can't remember the name of it) it was to help ripen my cervix, while I was given this pill I was having contractions but I didn't feel any pain, and the balloon they Inserted was taken out the next day. I was given a forth pill and I was having contractions every two to three mins and still wasn't feeling any pain or discomfort so because of this they told me the doctor wouldn't come in unless I was feeling discomfort. So a hour goes by and I am finally feeling the contractions, I told my husband to get the nurse because I feel pain, he said are you sure I said yes get her now. So the nurse got the doctor and she checked me and she said I was dilated to a six so the balloon helped me dilate to a 4 before I was given the last pill. So they moved me to the labor room, so while I was in labor room they asked me if I wanted a epidural I said yes! So when I was getting my epidural I had move a little when the medicine went in, but because it didn't shoot back out the doctor said it will be fine. That was so scary! So now it was a waiting game hours went by and I was so numb I couldn't feel anything from my waist down (I know that's the point of a expi) all of a sudden I feel a pop... I told my husband I felt a pop and I think my water broke and the nurse didn't believe me, So husband checked to make me feel better and it indeed broke, nurse was surprised I felt it.. then after that it went by so quick and it was time to push, but I pushed for 30 mins and nothing no progress due to the epidural I couldn't feel any pressure to push so when o was told to push I was so confused and couldn't get it right... so they said if I wanted to wait a hour so the epidural can ware it self away a bit and I did,  after that I could feel and move my legs alittle so I started to feel the need to push and I pushed for 1 hour and 30mins and I felt my baby coming out and it was painful but when I felt her head I didn't even care I wanted my baby, it gave me such motivation and I did it, I had to be cut and I am still healing but at 7:22am my baby girl was born and I was one happy momma, I didn't except my birth to be crazy, but I wouldn't trade it for the world made me a stronger person and I got to experience bringing a new life into this world and it was amazing.  My beautiful little girl Elena 😊