May I Vent?

Whine alert...I'm MISERABLE!!! 😩 I'm bloated, out of breath, absolutely exhausted, feeling fat, have a bad taste in my mouth all of the time, hungry, but eating makes me feel worse, gassy, constipated, and moody...and guess what? I'm ONLY 12 weeks and 4 days! What in the world??!!  My first pregnancy in 14 years. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy, but this was a total surprise, and I'm 39. Did I forget how this feels? Does it get better? Tell me it does.
Now please for the love of all things special, don't respond with "well I feel fine, I'm so happy, and I've only gained 1 pound" because although I'm happy for you, we are not on the same page. 
I'm sorry...hormones...thank you for listening. 😔