After sex "sign off"

Krysta • 💏 '09 👶💜 '16 🌈👶💜 '19 👶💙 '20

So my Hubby and I are goofy as hell, even during sex, from laughing fits about fart noises to literally cracking jokes. We've always had like an ending phrase for as long as I can remember.

For awhile he'd toss some boxers at me and say "don't fart" because I was the first one to in our relationship, and unfortunately it was right after sex 😧😂

I usually just slap his ass and say good job - meaning gtf off me so I can shower now 😂

But we also have movie and tv quotes to end it, mainly saying "yup" or "dagum" to each other since we love King of the Hill - I realize this is in no way romatic but after 8 years and a baby we're still banging so we're doing something right 🙌

Hubs calls it our "sign off" after sex and I'm wondering if anyone else is as goofy as us 😂😂