iud miscarriage?

So on the 25th (this Tuesday) I got the liletta iud. They told me I would bleed most likely for maybe a week after. So far I have Not bled once since I got it put in. Yesterday I started cramping but no bleeding and the same thing was going on and I went to the bathroom and wiped and I saw this. When I shined my flashlight on my phone really close to it there's a little clear/veingy part in between the "clot" looking part. All I've had doscharge wise was a cloudy/egg white textured discharge. I would only be like 3/4 weeks pregnant if I was. My son will be 3 months old on may 6th.. please comment what you think!!! 
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I was also thinking before I got my iud in that there was a possibility that I could be pregnant but the did a urine test and it was negative 


Savannah • May 13, 2021
Did you find out anything?


Posted at
My experience with an iud was a ton of irregular bleeding. I'd say that's just a piece of tissue


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Please comment 


Posted at
If you were miscarrying there would be way more blood. That is uterine tissue (clot).  It's very small and you didnt have a positive test - I'm not a doctor but I'd say you are not miscarrying as you were not pregnant. 


Becca • Apr 28, 2017
Also every test I took was negative before I miscarried


Becca • Apr 28, 2017
I had a miscarriage before I had my son and I was two months pregnant and had no clue. I'm going to the drs now to get it checked out