🐻MamaBear🐻 • I guess I have a bad attitude who knew? 😂 I vaccinate my kid's💉, my son is circumcised✂, I'm not an animal person😺🐶, I'm an atheist👿 and proud💪

I have seen so many posts from women who are disappointed they haven't gotten pregnant yet and you all have one thing in common... you are trying STOP TRYING, stop using opks, stop having sex on just your ovulation days, stop charting, stop stressing just stop everything!! Have fun with it I know it's easier said than done trust me I know but from experience stressing, temping, charting, checking CM made ttc no fun; it made my bf feel like I was just using him for sex getting those neg tests every month made me feel like shit till I stopped trying. Its one of the hardest things to hear from someone but it's true it gets frustrating I know but just because this app or opks say you ovulated doesn't mean it's right because you don't always ovulate when it says I'll tell you my story....

After my first born we decided we wanted another, we started trying Feb 2015. I did everything right, I used every technique out there and each month I got that devastating neg test no one knew we were ttc our second so I couldn't talk to anyone. March/april/may flew by each month I got my period June I didn't get my period so I went to see my ob he said my test was neg and to keep trying I left upset so we kept trying wasting money on opks more pregnancy tests. July I got my period so we decided to stop trying and just have fun, Aug 9th I left for pa(Pennsylvania)with my son to visit my mom for a month I got my period on that day. I came home Sept 5th we dtd the 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th and so on thinking I couldn't get pregnant because my period was a few days away(we missed each other lol)waiting for it to show on the 9th it never came but I was getting cramps so I waited till the 16th to see my ob. I went in and he had me take another test which came back neg this time he told me I wasn't ovulating so I couldn't have anymore kids so he prescribed me Clomid. I left very pissed because he didn't do any testing before prescribing me that stuff I made an appointment for a new ob. Still no period the 29th rolled around and I went to see my new ob; they had me do a test which I thought nothing of... After a while they had me come back to a room. Sitting nervously my new ob walks in; she asks me why I'm there and I tell her all about my previous OB, what he had told me and what he had prescribed she asked if I had taken any of the meds I told her "no because I didn't believe anything he said" she said "good because you're pregnant" I about fainted I jumped up with so much excitement. I asked to see the test because I didn't believe her, when I seen it I cried I couldn't believe it she sent me that day to my local hospital to get a blood test done which to came back positive!! She had told me I ovulated a few days before my period!! I had my daughter may 31st 2016. So don't give up and stop trying!! Spice things up have fun, enjoy each other💙.