Family in waiting room during labor

Help! I'm 33 Weeks btw! I've seen a lot of posts on here about couples wanting some alone time after the birth of their child. This is my husband and I's first baby and we are so excited. I spoke to my mom today and mentioned I did not want anyone at the hospital waiting while I was in labor. I'm not telling people they can't come visit I just want, or feel like i'm going to want, a couple hours to just be a little family of 3 before all of the chaos starts with family coming in and out. I'm thinking i'll want to relax and maybe shower/change before visitors are allowed. 
My mom got VERY upset with me, basically saying no to my wishes and that they would be coming either way as soon as I go into labor and waiting in the waiting room. Saying things like its "crappy" of me to think that way and that I need to learn to let people help. I'm not refusing any help I simply want a couple of hours to myself after 9 exhausting months. She kept saying "but this is how I feel". Which makes me mad because I am the one giving birth. I'm a FTM and have no clue how labor will go! I'm nervous and stressed enough trying to please everyone. 
Please tell me i'm not just being a hormonal preggo here and that my wishes are normal....