Crabby husband

Don't know what his problem is today. He went to work today, I picked him up and he's been a jerk since then with his insensitive comments and words. I cooked us dinner, he didn't eat much then washes his own plate leaving me at the table by myself. Then he goes to clean the bathroom which he's been telling me he will clean this week. Since my pregnancy he doesn't want me to clean the bathroom because we use a lot of chemicals so I clean the whole house, cook and everything and all he does is cleans the bathroom once a week. I didn't tell him to go clean either, it was his own choice though he usually cleans it on the weekend. Well after he was done cleaning the bathroom today he looked like a mad cow. I tried to talk to him but he said to leave him alone. Overall today was a good day for him except it seems that cleaning the bathroom upsetted him which I think is ridiculous. I vacuum multiple times a week because he likes it when I do but he only cleans the bathroom once a week and is mad today about it? We don't have any marital problems so I don't know what's up with him. Must be the pregnancy hormones 😂 getting to him.