I miss him but he doesn't care...

Husband works 9 hours a day and we only get to see each other 4 hours before getting ready for bed. I miss him a lot throughout the day and can never wait for him to come home. He tells me he wants to spend time and focus on me and baby but yet some days he still tells me leave him alone. I feel like we never have time to do things together. And ever since I got pregnant he seems more distant because I can't go do this or do that with him and he feels limited. Before we'd go hiking, biking, balling, tennis, etc. Now it's just traveling to see family over the weekends or staying in and watching movies together. I feel like he's bored of me. I know he's not cheating but he seems bored of our relationship. I don't put makeup or dress up either because I'm just home and pregnant. Putting makeup on doesn't make much difference to me and I've no where to go. I just feel really sad and was crying so I communicated with him but all he said to me was "what's your problem?"