Swaddle Strap update!

Clarissa • Mama
So I can't find the post but a little while ago I asked if anyone had experience with a swaddle strap.
I purchased one and am loving it!! It really keeps my baby from getting heat rash like she does in a regular blanket or halo swaddle and it is a lot more comfortable (seemingly- obviously idk from experience 😂). It has padding under her armpits to keep it from sliding and it just looks comfy comfy! You can also use it with a regular blanket or sleeper if you want.
It is by Anna and <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> and it's from Buy Buy Baby/Bed Bath and Beyond.
(Side note I really super love halo swaddle sacks- they just seem to over heat my baby no matter the material).