Ex makes me feel guilty

I've posted on here several times while with my ex, searching for advice. I can't count the number of times someone told me I should leave, and I finally did. Now, I feel guilty. Let me start by saying my ex is manipulating and hypocritical. I can't tell you how much shit he does that's okay if he does it but if rolls were reversed all hell would break loose. For instance, keeping pictures of naked pornstars in his phone. He also has zero respect for my personal space. If I need time alone he gets extremely offended. He's super immature and I know he guilt trips me. During our split I told him he needed to move out and he called me and said "make sure you tell my son when he's older why we aren't together" and then proceeded to call me a selfish bitch. When I returned home from work I found our pictures broken in the closet. Now he's trying to be together and acts all sad when he drops our son off with me and it makes me feel terrible. My biggest issue is feeling guilty for not "trying harder" for my son. Words of encouragement here are so welcome because I'm very tore up about this. He makes me so unhappy but he's a great dad idk what to do.