10 Days Post Partum

Now I am by no means trying to brag, I was just thinking about how with my first baby my milk just started barely coming in at his point, and here I am today freezing my first 50oz. 
I was blessed with my first by becoming an over producer and being able to donate over 16 gallons, I don't plan to over produce this time. I FINALLY started getting my baby to latch as she had bottles her first five days because of being in the NICU so I'll be cutting back greatly on pumping.
For everyone who is having a hard time, and doing just enough or not enough you are doing an amazing job by giving your baby what you can. I don't have anything against formula, both of mine has had it or is still getting it (my toddler), and I originally was planning to just formula feed this time, but changed my mind last minute. My opinion is fed is best regardless how we choose too or can, as long as our babies are happy and healthy.