Orgasming easier lately??????

m • meow
Hey ladies!! so, usually when I masturbate it takes me FOREVER to finish. 10 minutes to maybe 2 hours even. But about 4 or 5 days ago i was reading and watching all about hands free orgasms and i tried to do it but ended up just drifting off to sleep and being half dreaming and half doing it. i actually came in my half-sleep without touching, and honestly couldn't stop. every two minutes it felt like I was going to cum again. so i kept doing it and doing it and woke up soaked and however crazy, it had to be real. ever since this happened, i've been finishing SO quickly. like 30 seconds quick. it's like the coolest thing and the biggest blessing but like why is that happening??? nothing else has changed! any thoughts? even things like the bath faucet that usually takes me til my bath is half full took less than 30 seconds and it's a miracle kind of ???