
My boyfriend and I have been together for a couple months now and we've been waiting to have sex. We have done some things but he knows I want to wait until I feel ready and I feel our relationship is at a good point to have sex because of not so good memories in a past relationship. I'm still a virgin, actually... was a virgin I am crazy about my boyfriend and NEVER thought I would cheat on someone. The problem is not only am I crazy about my boyfriend, I'm head over heels in love with a guy I can't have. I've never felt this way towards anyone ever. My boyfriend makes me really happy and in the end I know this offlimits guy and I would probably never work out anyway. But I know this guy is crazy about me also. There have been moment where we almost kissed or something and I pulled away because I did not have the heart to do that to someone  but yesterday... we had our first kiss and then later that night we had sex. I've wanted this guy to be my first time since I met him but never really PLANNED on it. So now I'm not a virgin and I cheated. I have no idea what to do because I don't want to ruin the great relationship I have with my boyfriend but I feel it's already too late for that. I need advise.