Phantom pregnancy?!?!

I previously wrote on here about having ALL kinds of pregnancy symptoms. I was 5 days late for my AF. It was a weird period because I maybe had 3 1/2 days of actually bleeding the other part was spotting. I mean it seemed like a lot of (TMI ) blood, but it was more mucus. I feel my " AF " ended Friday. I'm still having pregnancy symptoms. I'm so nauseous today, I even vomited. Certain smells make me want to vomit, event thing or looking at certain foods make me eat to. These are foods I LOVE! The only thing is my breast aren't tender anymore just a bit sensitive. I've been having cramping/ weird feeling in my lower abdomen where my ovaries and such are. I have taken HPT, I took them when I missed " AF " and a few times after and all are BFN. I'm wondering if I could actually be pregnant and not really know it. What does anyone else think? Has anyone else had the same problem? What was the outcome?