fungal infection vs yeast infection??! need your input

Hi!! So I've been battling with some awful shit lately with my vagina. IT FEELS LIKE MY VAG IS ON FIRE. Got an std from someone who took advantage of me. Got treated about 3 weeks ago. I had symptoms of a yeast infection without the cottage cheese discharge. Those symptoms never went away. Fast forward to last week and I wake up with THE WORST pain I've ever felt inside and around my vagina. I also have 3 bumps on the inside/edge of the right lip. I'm in SO MUCH GODDAMN PAIN I can't stand it. Dr gave me diflucan last Thursday 5/4/17. I'd say it's gone down maybe 2%. What would you do? Wait it out a few more days for the mess to work or go back? I have no ins and my visits cost me $225 😩😩  is a yeast infection the same as a fungal infection?? Dr said it's a fungal infection!!!