I bleeding and Idk why send help

Okay I need help from some experienced people. On Friday (3 days ago) I had sex for the first time. At first I was uncomfortable and hurt a little bit but after we got going it was fine and I didn't bleed or anything like it was pretty typical if not better for someone's first time. So after I went home, I peed because ya know I'm not trying to get any UTIs and there was nothing wrong down there so it was pretty chill. But the day after I go to the bathroom and I notice I'm bleeding but it didn't look like period blood. There were no clots and it wasn't as deep of a red as my period blood usually is, it was more pink and also my period isn't supposed to start for another 15 days. At first I thought maybe I was spotting because I started bleeding when I was ovulating but it's been going on for three days now and I'm just getting worried so does anyone know what's happening and if it's normal or not? Do I need to see a doctor?