Late BFP?

Has anyone here ever gotten a late BFP? If so how late were you? What test did you use? Did you get multiple bfn beforehand??

Looking for help as my dr wont do a blood test till i get a BFP but im certain im pregnant?

In the past:

#1 didnt know i was pregnant till miscarriage at 9 wks

#2 sooo many pregnancy symptoms started early july. Neg end of july, neg 1st week of aug, neg 2nd week. Got "af" then BFP during. Ectopic.

#3 no + hpt only bloods at 5 weeks due to 5 week long light bleeding . Only did 2 at 2 and 3 weeks both neg.

#4 faint bfp at 4 weeks then miscarriage..

If i was pregnant, i am 5 weeks since LMP. Lots and lots of pregnancy signs but mainly heartburn, bloating, nausea, lots of Cm and tiredness. Im getting vvvvfl on both frer and clear blues at the moment but only really visable in person? IB which was 4 days spotting and 2 days slightly heavier then spotting. It was 6 days before af was due?

Is there a good chance that im pregnant?? I know you all arent doctors but hoping to see if anyone else has experianced this??