I don't know what to do anymore

I'm 18 years old and my boyfriend is 21 years old, not much of an age gap but that's not the problem. We are in love with each other and we have a child together but I'm currently due next month. Well, I'm just moody and these hormones are driving me insane and making me the biggest bitch ever, tbh. I feel so insecure about my weight, bump(everyone says are you sure you're only having one) and it makes me so sad that I go home and cry about it. Before I got pregnant I was 110, very skinny and I actually thought I was pretty. Now I feel gross and what not. He doesn't understand how I'm feeling and when I do tell him, he blames it all on me. Well, we are long distance at the moment because he had move for work and I wasn't going to go with because everything is here where I live. Well, a few days ago, he messaged me saying he was going to come see and I was excited, but it didn't feel like he didn't want to at the same time and he got mad because I said "it's not like you want to anyways" and he went back home which pissed me off. Then we got in a fight tonight because he won't tell me his feelings or anything no matter how many times I try to ask him and it's so annoying. 
I don't even know what to do. 😒