
I have no idea if this is pregnancy related or not - but I am so tired. I know this could be pregnancy related, but I don't remember being this sleepy in my first trimester with my 15 month old. I'm not sure if it's cuz I've given up my coffee but I'm not joking when I say a nap would be awesome. Also, in lieu of coffee I've seriously upped my water intake and the having to pee every hour is a serious pain. I'm hoping in a few more days once I've readjusted to all the water (and flushed my system) I won't have to pee so often. I don't remember any of this and it's hard to think it is pregnancy related - I should only be somewhere around 4 and a half weeks (have my appointment in two weeks to confirm and date). Any other moms out there ready to fall asleep at their desk (that is when they aren't running for the bathroom)?