we had our baby today this morning

So I had a baby appointment yesterday I was 40+1 we'll it went better then I could hope for. I was first told that they picked an induction day the 16 and I was so pumped that they weren't gonna make me wait till I was supper over due!!! Well then I told them about how my water was leaking since Thursday and that I got sent home from the hospital on Saturday (they were not enthused by that) so we did test and I only had one pocket of water left so they told me to go to hospital so we did and they gave me meds but didn't work so so I was put on Pitocin around 10 o'clock I got an epidural by midnight started pushing at 4:20 in ammy baby boy Gavin was here by 5:24 in the morning. Weighing 8 lbs 2oz and 19in long. He's my world.