always moves but when it picture time it another story

I kinda want say I was not as excited to find out today the baby Gender. I was torn to find out but my partner wanted to know so bad that he convinced me to find out as well. Well the tech said she though it was a girl but to the doctor was going to verify it. We couldn't get a clear picture. Well when the doctor came in they did what they did and then look to see if it's a girl or boy. Well the doctor said it look like a boy but was not getting a clear picture because the baby was crossing the legs. I drank cold water and we walk around the hospital to find the place. But she said that one of them was right. Well then she repeat that it was a boy because it was look like the legs was squishing the sack and look like more like a patty when their legs are cross then a little girls parts. So we have to go back in two weeks to find out and because they could not see the face or see half of the babies heart. So it's a waiting game now to find out.... 😣 my child was stubborn and he says it's like the mom. 😏 I have strong feeling it's a boy.... 🙄