Labor or nah?!

Betty 🍝 • My value lies in my rarity. One of a kind. Limited. 💤 Wife. Honey🐝 & June🐛 Mommy. Abba's Daughter.

Hi gals. I had to go into triage last night bc I woke up at 6a contracting w pressure. I was scheduled a same day appt where I found out that im 1cm and 50% effaced. I was sent home to drink fluids even though I was practically hydrated and by 6p I was in triage for check. I became dizzy, nauseous and lightheaded w a headache. They gave me more fluids bt contractions didnt stop. They gave me regland which made me feel like squirrels were in my brain and I opted to go home bc I felt like I was freaking out.

I woke up at 6a today with a screaming headache and an achy lower pelvis, like the front part where my uterus would be if it werent so big.

He is sooo low ladies. It hurts to walk. I feel like i have ice piks in my pum pum and I have really bad diarrhea. Ive had it every day for two weeks. I havent had sex in 3mo, no stimulation of any kind.

I overall feel like what I just excreted.

Ill be 33wks tomorrow.

What should I do? Is this early labor? This is my second but I labored a week with my first exactly the same way as I feel now before I was actually determined to be in labor and they induced me by breaking my water and giving me pitocin. That was 5yrs ago So honestly its all a blur.