Birth Story !

On 4/28 i went in for my normal NST that i get two times a week for gestational hypertension. My NST went well and then i continued on to my doctors appoitment. At my last check up (34 weeks) they measured my bump and i was measuring 33 weeks. Not too alarming to the doctor since it was only one week behind. I was worried because i measured on time my whole pregnancy. However, at the current check up on 4/28 i was 36 weeks and 6 days... but still measured 33 weeks. After trying to get an ultrasound and not having any luck until monday. My doctor decided to do a bed sode ultrasound and get the measurement herself. (2 hour doctors appointment) she measured my daughter by ultrasound to be 33 weeks. I immediatley got sent up to triage to get an ultrasound through the hospital so they can make sure my doctors measurments were accurate. After 3 hours of waiting, i finally was able to get an ultrasound. They did measurements twice and my daughter was measuring 33 weeks. So i was induced immediatley. They started by giving me the miso pill to open my cervix. I got 2 doses of that and then my contractions were too close apart and i was not dialated. They then gave pitocen for about an 2 hours and my contractions were about every 3 minutes together and i dialted to a 1. The doctors then suggested the folley balloon to manually open my cervix. (The most painful contractions ever!) For about 12 hours i would wake up screaming due to the contractions. Throught the 12 hours i got pain meds through the IV. They would knock me out until the hour was up and id have to deal with .5 hour of really horrible contractions. They were 4 contractions back to back every 3 minutes. I woke up from my 5th dose of meds and could only have one more. Then id have to deal with the contractions until the balloon came out. My doctor slightly tugged on the balloons to see if they would come out. After the second tugg they came right out. Which meant i was dialated to a 3. After that i got my epidural which worked well at first. Due to laying on my side my epidural would stop working. I could lift my leg and move my feet. So i kept flipping to keep the epidural working. I dialted to a 4 in an hour. An hour and a half after i was a 5.5. Then about 2 hours later i was dialted to a 7. I was pressing the epidural button every 15 minutes, but the pain was still there. They told me to waot for a pressure like i have to poop. I soon told the nurse i had to. She checked me and told me its normal just her head decending. I told them again soon after and they said they wouldnt check again for awhile due to the risk of infection. The doctor came to check my vitals and walked out of the room. My contraction passed and i tried to lay my leg down and i could feel her head. A contraction came again and i started screaming. The nurse walks in to check me and i was crowning. It took 20 mins for me to go from a 7 to crowning. After 10 minutes of pushing and 3 strong pushes she was out. She was 18 1/4 inches long and 4lbs 4 oz. She spent 4 days in the nicu. Out of all of that the hardest thing was going home without my daughter. I never felt so broken. After giving birth i could use my legs almost immediatley. They offered to re do my epidural but i had a feeling there wasnt going to be enough time and i was right. I had my daughter on 4/30 at 1:25 pm. Evelyn Daniela Deras