What else should we try???

My husband and I have been trying for baby #1 for 2 years and four months. We are 24, we are healthy as far as weight goes, I eat pretty healthy, we did clomid for 4 cycles, but no pregnancy, we tried pineapple core, I take all the vitamins-prenatals, fish oil, folic acid.. I had a laparoscopy back in August and had one ovary and the same tube removed, I had an hsg at the same time and my dr said my other tube and ovary were good. I want to do an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>, but I have never heard of it working for someone who has had similar issues as me. Also, do I have to be referred to a fertility specialist by my ob or can I just schedule an appointment with a fertility specialist and tell them what we've tried? We have already spent thousands of dollars on my surgery and blood work every month and all of the appointments because the insurance I had didn't cover a thing because they saw my condition as pre-existing. I am just feeling defeated and like it is never going to happen for us. Any advice?