lost a friend

So my friend and I have been friends for a while. I'm taken, he's taken. All of a sudden his girlfriend started acting threatened by me, and I don't know why. He quit talking to me because of her. I finally got an answer to why, as he answered last night. Telling me she's "bothered" by the fact we're friends. So I brought up that it's hilarious that she's bothered by is being friends, and yet she still hangs out with her ex even though it bothers you. He said it's just "relationship problems". That's where we ended it. Now she won't stop staring at me. I don't know why she's even threatened by me. I don't want him, never have and never will. Everyone knows we're just friends. All we talk about is how lame work is, who we dislike at work, what Disney villains they look like and music. That's literally it. But she's threatened by it? I've tried inviting her uti the conversation, but she tries flipping it and tries to shut me out. I've never really spoken to her, so I don't get what the hell her deal is. Either way, I don't wait for no one. Either you're my friend and you're here, or you're not and you're gone. So poof he went. Out of my life. There goes my only best friend here, oh well. When he finally figures out she's cheating, maybe he will dump her. Oh, story time! She was on a cruise, right? Well the day she was supposed to be back, she canceled her date willth him and went missing. Didn't call or text him. The next day she says "oh sorry, I was stuck on the ship and didn't want to tell you, I wanted to do it in person". Bullshit, you were probably out getting gangbanged like the little thot you are. Ugh, bitches!