IM SCARED I MIGHT HAVE trichomoniasis

I tried doing research about how trich is spreaders and it's only through intercourse from what I read. I only had sex two times, one from was my ex and I know he never had sex or any sexual contact. And the other guy said he's been tested and he didn't have anything. For the longest time I have had this yellowish greenish discharge. Ive had it before I lost my virginity. Sometimes my vag smells like garlic, and sex has always hurt like hell for me. My partners always had a condom on. And sometimes it itches. I'm really scared. I really don't want an STD and I hope it doesn't affect me badly if I do have one. I heard that some STDs aren't treatable and your chances of having kids go down. Idk what to do. Please don't judge me. I don't know what going on please help.