so embarrassing

I was at lunch sitting by myself because all my friends were gone today and then all of the sudden all these kids I don't even know sit down and just start conversing. Now I'm not the social type, I'm an introvert and have social anxiety to the max, when they sat down I froze. My heart started pounding and I couldn't think clearly, I've already had a bad day with my windshield wipers breaking while I was driving in downpour and my car stalling in a busy street plus I'm on my period. So I put my headphones in and tried to block them out and counted down the minutes til lunch was over, because there was no way I was gonna eat the food I packed. 10 minutes in I felt something wet on my pants, I prayed to god that it wasn't what I thought it was. I looked down and of course... I had bled through my jeans. I literally wanted to break down and cry, I had to get to the bathroom but I know if I stood up all of these strangers and everyone I passed on the way to the stalls would see my crime scene, my shirt wasn't long enough to cover it. So I strategically planned out taking off my jacket covering my front side, grabbing my backpack and walking as fast as I could to the bathroom. I got there, picked a stall and tried to calm my breathing down, luckily I was the only one in there. I went to get my pouch with my tampons and IT WAS EMPTY!!! I was mortified! I grabbed toilet paper and quadrupled it, grabbed my bag, covered myself with my jacket again and sprinted to my car. I went home and cried. I wanted to tell the whole thing to my boyfriend because he always knows how to make me feel better and he's there for me with everything but of course his phone broke yesterday and I had to wait till he got home 5 hours later. 
Today has just not been my day 😅