Boob Insecurity 😭😭

lola • :)
Hi, I know this may sound stupid but I am very insecure about my boobs.. Or as I call them my non-boobs. My best friend is a couple months younger than me and I got my period before her but she developed so fast! In 6th grade she was a C cup and I am still the smallest bra size.. And I can barley fit in it, like think about an 8 year old boy with hips and long blonde hair. I'm only 13 but everyone around me is developed already and I am worried that the window of opportunity is closing :( is there any way, and I know this sounds far-fetched, but can I somehow stimulate the growth of my boobs? Thanks...🙍🏼🙍🏼🙎🏼😁😁.
~ Love, from a member of the #ittybittytittycommittee