Mothers day (kinda long)


My husband and I have been trying for a little less than a year. We've gone through the same thing every month of trying to not get excited, getting excited, then being depressed. He's cried telling me how much he wants to be a dad and I have felt like a failure at giving him a baby. I know it's still "early" but it is hard because a year feels like forever. This is my first mother's day in which we had been trying and hadn't conceived and I have been absolutely dreading it. We were making cupcakes to take to my mother's for a party that I was not thrilled about and I didn't know how my day would really go.

My husband came out and brought me this adorable card that he made himself and for those who can't read it, it has "signatures" from all my beautiful fur babies (my husband is trying to be cute and funny). We have three rats and a cat and my roommate's cat (and hoping to get a hedgehog) and I love them all and will continue to cope with animal babies.

I love my husband so much. I cried for like a half hour in both sadness and happy. I'm glad he tried. This is the first mother's day card I have ever received.

I hope everyone else had a great day; if your a first time mom, been a mom, or haven't made it there yet.