Birth control messing with my moods 🙄 levonorgestrel

So I have been taking levonorgestrel/ ethinylesstradiol. 
Basically I have been on it for a few months now and before that I was on another type. 
I fell into depression in February when I got diagnosed with Aspergers and well my boyfriend at the time couldn't handle it. I haven't been the same since but that's normal really... but anyways I went to Amsterdam and forgot my birth control and I haven't taken it since and I have found a change in my moods and stress levels and I feel a lot better in myself. I did think that my birth control was messing with me a bit when I was with my ex but I was too stubborn.
My question is , what do I do now? Like I  need a birth control but is there any that you guys recommend that preferably won't mess with me.  
Thank you 💕