conceiving with one tube

I recently had surgery for having an eptopic pregnancy, I was 7weeks and 5 days. I didn't have no pain no unusual sign until I spotted a tiny bit of pink. ( freaked me out) since I had a miscarriage in January I didn't want to take no chances, so I went to the ER on a Friday night and 4 1 /2 hours later I was sent up for an ultrasound the tech said there's nothing there no fetus no nothing. My levels were high but nothing to show. I was so sad. I was scheduled for an ultrasound the following Wednesday. I told my dr on Monday and she asked me to come in for some more blood work. I did. Levels still rising but not like they should. Went for my ultrasound wed and it finally showed up in was in my right tube (still no pain) they told me I needed to rushed surgery since it was big enough to rupture. Hours later I was preped and ready. My OB said she would have to remove me right tube. I was so sad and now I'm scared to try again. My ob said I could try again but I don't know the success of pregnancy with one tube and with two ovaries.