herion addict friend Help!! UPDATE

Okay so, I've had this friend for probably 7 years now. Her name is hanna. Well hanna has been struggling with addiction for probably 4 years now. She started off with pills, Percocet, meth, & now herion. She's been dealing with herion for probably a year and a half now and I feel completely lost. Like I completely want to be there for her, but I'm sick of being used. (Money for instance). So here's the kicker. Hanna cannot inject herion herself, guess who does it? HER MOTHER. So hanna has been in and out of jail for ill using her probation officer, drugs, and all sorts of stuff. She just recently got out with time served about a week ago. She was released to her mother. (She's 19). Hanna does not have to complete any classes, she's not on probation, and she's not forced to go to treatment. Not more than two days after getting home, she started using again. Her mother is addicted to methadone. Long story short, Hanna doesn't have many friends, just herion buddies. I always know she's using when she doesn't hit me up for awhile but will text me here and there to spare her some money. She lives next door to another one of our (sober) friends. Her name is Nicole. Well Nicole says every night around 11, her mom and her leave to go on a run. With her not having any legal whatever to the state is there anything I can do? I can't sleep and I'm just super worried about her. Like maybe give tips in to the police? I know, that'd make me a snitch. BUT I would much rather her be in prison (which she will go if convicted of any other crime) or in treatment. But her going home to her mother is not working, clearly. Is there anything any of you can think of? I just want my baby happy. 
so I saw Hanna today. She asked me to take her to Walgreens to get hair dye, so I did. She's gained a lot of weight. She looks so healthy now. She used to be 90 pounds, if that. Now, she's bigger than me, and I'm 20 weeks pregnant. It made me so happy. She also was in such a great mood, different than the past 3 years. (In the past she didn't smoke pot, because that shows up longer on a drug test, she was on probation. ) now that she is no longer on probation, she started smoking pot. Yes I know, still illegal. But not deathly. Her and her boyfriend just smoke pot. (He didn't use herion). So I'm happy about her discussion to not do herion and to do pot. We will take one day at a time, & see how everything goes. She also was wearing a short sleeve shirt, and guess what? No new trac marks!! I know I shouldn't get to happy, but seeing her today made me feel a lot better. ❤❤