Weird Pregnancy Sex Question

Pen • 8/17 🌈👧🏼 | 11/19 🌈👦🏼| 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

So I'm feeling a little self conscious posting this here but whatever. I am 29 weeks pregnant and have noticed that breast and nipple simulation turned me on SO MUCH. Like WAY MORE than it ever did before even the last few weeks. I have usually always had my orgasms from simultaneous penetration and clitoral stimulation, and could often get very close with just clitoral stimulation. Lately my clitoris isn't doing all that much for me but a combination of nipped stimulation and penetration is unbelievable. It's like my clitoris migrated to my nipples. 

I can't imagine that my newfound erogenous zone is unrelated to my pregnancy, what with breasts being so crucial to the equation. 

The weird thing is that I can't seem to orgasm right now because every time it feels great from the boobs I just keep thinking about how these are my baby's food source and here I am getting massively turned on by them! I'm putting up a huge mental block because I can't seem to divorce the sexual boobs from the baby feeding boobs (I mean, they ARE the same boobs after all) and in my head it just freaks me out! I almost feel like I'm the opposite of the people who love seeing sexy boobs on models but freak out at a woman breastfeeding 😂 like "wait those are my baby's boobs!!" 

Anyone else felt this way? Anyone else noticed their boobs becoming way more sensitive and stimulating during pregnancy sex? Anyone have any ideas on how I can break down this mental block that's stopping me from enjoying what I'm sure would be a lovely orgasm if I could just get over it?!? 😂