is it time to say goodbye?


Before I start, I just want to say that I am in absolute love with my boyfriend. There has never been anyone else who gets me like he does and I can't imagine anyone else being by side through my very complicated life. we go

To start, my parents don't like him. Through a very unfortunate series of events and miscommunications they think he's no good for me and that he will only drag me down and keep me from my goals. There impression of him could not be more wrong though. He is headed to New York to go to his dream school and so am I. To sum it up, they gave me the ultimatum that I have to pick the family or him. I told them I choose the family and have been secretly dating him for 6 months now. My home life is already very stressful with strict parents and I hate that I have to lie to them.

Secondly, I know that we've both been burned before but he's been super paranoid and kind of a dick about the fact that I have mostly guy friends. I'm not the jealous type at all though. It doesn't bother me that he has girl friends or talks to/hangs out with them regularly. And it's not that I don't have girl friends...I just have more guys ones. I feel like as of late he's been on my ass about who I talk to and how I talk to them and I already have too much stress and bull shit in my life to deal with this too.

Overall I feel like I'm stuck in a box. If I choose my family and break up with him I feel like I'll be making the biggest mistake ever. But I also can't lose my family. They may be strict and all of these other horrible things but we are still close and o don't want them out of my life either.