quite confused

So I know everyone gets tired of, "am I pregnant, blah blah blah." But I'm genuinely confused because ever since I started my period year and years ago it always lasted 5-7 days. Usually 7. But I started my period the 5th of this month and I only bled semi heavy for two days (5th and the 6th) then I spotted VERY lightly for another two days. Not even enough to wear a pad or tampon. But I've felt so weird and different that I'm kinda wondering if maybe it was me mistaking the bleeding for a period. So what's the latest it's taken somebody to get a positive on a home pregnancy test. I've had diarrhea, bad cramping, I'm starving but nauseous to food, bloating, headaches, and fatigued. I know I should just take a test but I wanna know if anyone else has experienced this before. I could just be stupid but I've read that some people have mistaken bleeding for a period but it's really not.