now contemplating the name I was set on ugh!😩

amanda • FTM to be💙🌍11.16.17
My boyfriend and I finally agreed on a name that I'm really set on (Mya Marie) Weeks after deciding, I came across an old co workers Facebook and she has a 6 month old with tha same first name. We also have a lot of mutual friends... I know it seems like a petty problem but I was definitely aiming for a name no one around my area has, I didn't know a single one before this! I know I shouldn't care, but I know how catty the girls are around here and I don't need anyone thinking I "stole" the name. (Also, no one knows I'm pregnant besides family lol I'm just in no rush to announce to social media)
Has anyone else had a similar situation? What did you do about it.. I'm leaning towards using he name anyways honestly. But a little part of me feels weird about it.